Pillar One – Valuing and Rewarding Your Workforce
What we mean by this: Employers pay their employees a fair and decent wage. This can include achievement of, or a commitment to pay the Real Living Wage to all employees and those within their supply chains. Roles provide job security and job fulfilment and there is a clear commitment to and practice that does not exploit workers’ rights. Employers provide additional benefits to their employees including flexible working or appropriate discount schemes.
1. Pay a fair and decent wage, including achievement or commitment to pay the Real Living Wage to employees and those within their supply chains.
3. Value and promote job security and job fulfilment amongst workers.
Pillar Two – Promoting Health and Wellbeing
Pillar Three – Effective Communications and Representation
Pillar FOUR – Developing a Balanced Workforce
Pillar Five – A Social Responsibility
The organisation promotes personal social responsibility: supporting workers to undertake community projects and volunteering that enables them to contribute to society and the economy. There is a clear commitment to sustainability and the environment including a reduction in carbon footprint and policies that protect the environment through the organisation’s activities.
How to apply
All applications are submitted online via a secure application management portal.